All aboard for nautical fun at Montrose Port

Montrose Port are inviting families across Angus and Aberdeenshire to join them for some nautical fun as they launch a brand new activity pack this week which they hope will help homeschooling parents keep their kids entertained for the remaining weeks of lockdown.
The pack which has been produced in conjunction with an educational consultant, contains a fun filled set of activities focused around a day at the Port. Designed to suit the abilities of primary school children from P1 right through to P7, the pack contains activities to appeal to each age and stage, as well as tapping into children’s love of all things nautical.
From identifying the flags of ships that come into the port, creating an acrostic poem, to conducting science experiments, each task is created specifically around the core educational framework of the curriculum for excellence; literacy, numeracy, creativity and problem solving.
The pack also includes a create your own bunting competition, which aims to encourage children to design and make their own flags which they can then display in their windows to brighten up their neighbourhoods.
Chief Executive of Montrose Port, Captain Tom Hutchinson said: “ As we enter a further period of staying at home, we decided to put together a pack that parents and children can enjoy together centred around a day at the Port.
“With 2020 being the Scottish Government’s year of Coast and Water we wanted to link to that and have come up with a number of fun nautical activities which cover subjects such as social studies, sciences, expressive arts, language and technologies. The Port lends itself to learning about a number of different subjects and we have captured this in the tasks included.
“I hope our activity packs will provide another means of helping to keep younger children occupied during this difficult time. A lot of children will have heard our horns and clapping on a Thursday evening so we wanted to further reinforce our role at the heart of the community and bring the activities at the port to life for them”
Local parent, Mark Bradley who owns MB Roofing said, “ My children absolutely love the packs and got stuck right into the activities the moment we got them.
“My wife is a nurse and is working long hours, so I’ve been doing a lot of the homeschooling which has been challenging at times. The more the lockdown goes on the harder it can be to keep the children engaged and motivated. These packs have come just at the right time and have helped us have fun as a family while still covering the curriculum and learn new things”
Download the Activity Pack
Click the image below download your copy of the Montrose Port Authority Kids Activity Pack