Safety Exercises at Montrose Port Authority

Here at Montrose Port Authority, the safety and welfare of our port users and staff is at the forefront of everything we do.
Our team is dedicated to keeping Montrose as one of the safest ports to work at. Throughout the year, we undertake safety exercises in collaboration with our tenants, Emergency Services, and other Port Users.
One such exercise last year was run in conjunction with Scottish Fire & Rescue Services (SFRS) and the crew of the Atlantic Kestrel vessel.

Why do we run safety exercises?
The purpose of these safety exercises is to test different emergency scenarios that could arise during our work and the work of our tenants at the port.
Running these safety exercises allows our internal team and the teams of our partners to identify any potential gaps in their response procedures, and where changes may need to be made in how incidents are dealt with.
These changes then ultimately lead to a safer working environment for everyone.
In this instance, the purpose was to test the Port’s Emergency Preparedness and Response Procedure and allow the SFRS and the Atlantic Kestrel to test their own procedures and the practical application of their emergency response protocols.

What was the scenario for this safety exercise?
The scenario acted out was that a fire had broken out in the engine room. An alarm was activated in the cement room and there was a Full Crew Muster with one Contractor reported missing.

The SFRS then had to work alongside the vessel crew to:
- Locate the casualty
- Extricate them from the engine room to the desk
- Transfer them to the Quayside using the SFRS Aerial Platform

Thanks to the work of each party, the safety exercise ran very smoothly. There were key learnings for all participants which will be implemented to make every job safer.
We would like to thank Captain Sheldon and his crew on the Atlantic Kestrel for hosting the exercise on board, alongside Watch Commander Ian Higson and his crew (White Watch) for taking part in the exercise.

Alongside these exercises, we are continually taking steps to make Montrose Port a safe environment for all. We are certified in and follow the Port Safety Marine Code and have completed our certification for ISO 45001:2018 Health & Safety Management and ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management.
You can find out more about our commitment to welfare, health, and safety at Montrose Port Authority here.