Montrose Port Authority has welcomed three new members to its board of non-executive directors: Eilidh Smith, Susan Smart and Graham Penman. Born and bred on the Isle of Lewis, Eilidh Smith is an Unlimited Master Mariner with over 15 years seagoing experience both deep sea and closer to home. Since coming ashore, she has become involved in the ports industry Read more...
November 25, 2022
MPA Welcomes New Board Members to Drive Commercial and Net Zero Ambitions

Montrose Port Authority is seeking to make an appointment of one non-executive member to its Board. Individuals with an interest in public service are sought to fill the vacancy. Montrose is a Trust Port which differs from company or local authority owned ports by its constitution and powers. All port investments are funded from trading revenues supplemented by commercial borrowings. Read more...
March 8, 2020
Appointments to Board

Statement from Nik Scott-Gray, Montrose Port Authority CEO: I am delighted to advise that with immediate effect, Tom Hutchison will – in addition to his Harbour Master responsibilities -take the additional role of Operations Director. This will enable him to run the Port on an interim basis after my departure in June. I’m sure you will agree that a familiar Read more...
July 13, 2019
Operations Director – appointment