Montrose Port Announces Winner of Community Photography Competition

Wildlife, shipping and stormy seas were just some of the many subjects snapped by photographers entering Montrose Port Authority’s recent community photography competition.
Entrants were asked to capture “A Day in the Life of Montrose Port”.
Selected by MPA CEO Tom Hutchison, the winner was Jennifer Laing whose photograph is entitled “Just Arriving”.
She will receive a £50 Amazon voucher and a framed copy of her photograph.
Captain Hutchison said: “Asking amateur photographers to capture a day in the life of Montrose Port really gave them tremendous scope, as we are a diverse port with lots going on and based in a beautiful part of the world.
“We were blown away by the very high standard of entries which of course made judging very difficult indeed, but we managed to whittle the entries down to a very worthy winner. Thank you to everyone who took the time to enter.”

A copy of the winning entry will also have pride of place in the Montrose Port offices.more news