There is currently a pandemic of a novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) which is affecting the UK among other countries. This situation has been declared a Public Health Emergency of International Concern by the World Health Organization Emergency Committee, under the International Health Regulations.
A Maritime Declaration of Health (MDH) is required for all vessels on arrival from a foreign port.
However, in response to this situation regarding COVID-19, Health Protection Scotland and the Scottish Ports Liaison Network require that information be submitted to the Scottish Port Health Authority of the ports in the table below in the following cases irrespective of the vessel or whether it is arriving from a foreign port or another UK port:
- Any vessel that has visited another port in the past 14 days
- Any vessel that has had a crew change in the past 14 days
- Any vessel that has had a suspect/confirmed case in the past 14 days
The information we require is the same as that required in the current MDH and should therefore allow Port Authority to establish
- Any persons unwell during the voyage and/ or on arrival, and any sanitary measures taken in response to that illness
- Origin of the ship, when it left the origin port, and all ports where the vessel has docked during the 14 days prior to arrival
- Any crew changes
We ask that the master of the vessel submit the information electronically using the current MDH form, where possible, for convenience.
Symptoms of COVID-19 may include fever, cough or chest tightness, muscle pain, fatigue and breathing difficulty. The Master of the ship should consider any of these as grounds for suspecting the existence of a disease of an infectious nature in addition to those listed on the current MDH.
Where a port operator or ship’s agent receives notice that there are ill persons on a vessel then:
- If the suspected case is a medical emergency, you must call 999 for medical assistance and you must inform attending services that the case has had contact with a confirmed COVID-19 case. DO NOT disembark the patient or arrange alternative transport to a hospital until advised to do so. DO NOT disembark any other crew or passengers. Also ask the Harbour Master to inform the NHS Public Health (local Health Protection Team) and the Port Health Authority (the local authorities).
- If the suspected case is not seriously ill you must notify the relevant NHS Health Protection Team on (See list overleaf). Contact details for the case must be provided with sufficient information to allow the Health Protection Team to determine follow up action. This will include symptoms, duration, contacts and travel history. DO NOT disembark the suspected case.
Further information can be found on the Scottish Government,Health Protection Scotland and World Health Organization websites.
Who to contact
The following are the contact details for submitting your Maritime Declaration of Health:
Ports / Terminals:
Montrose Port Authority
01674 679916
Port Health Authority Contact Details:
Angus Council (Port Health Authority)
03452 777 778
NHS Public Health (local Health Protection Team) Contact Details:
NHS Tayside Health Protection team
Tel: 01382 596976 (0900hrs – 1700hrs); any other time call 01382 660111
Radio Channel for Harbourmaster:
VHF Channel 12
Further Information:
Health Protection Scotland – Maritime section
World Health Organization
Public Health England