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CHART 1438 MONTROSE HARBOUR SCURDIE ROCK RED PORT HAND BUOY  OUT OF POSITION Name: Scurdie Rock Red Port Hand Buoy  Position: 56°42.14’N – 002°25.26’W  Character: Red Port Hand Buoy, Quick Flashing Red  NOTICE is hereby given that the above Buoy has moved 180 metres in a direction of  240 degrees from normal position.  The current position of the above buoy is;  Read more...
December 9, 2021


Featured image for “NOTICE TO MARINERS NO.17 2021”
By John Aitken Late March, 1922 saw the launch of the Newcastle-registered ship Emilie Dunford launched from the relatively-new shipyard of the Coaster Construction Company on Rossie Island, Montrose. She was completed as the first ship of the Dunford Steamship Company and entered the South Esk without a hitch having been named by Mrs. Dunford. Generally described as a 201-foot Read more...
December 9, 2021

Model of Montrose-built ship in Hamlet’s castle

Featured image for “Model of Montrose-built ship in Hamlet’s castle”
Montrose Port Authority and Seagreen Wind Energy Limited has marked St Andrew’s Day with the burial of a time capsule celebrating a major milestone in a development serving what will be Scotland’s biggest offshore wind farm, 27 kilometres off the coast of Angus. Pupils from Ferryden Primary School were tasked with selecting items to be buried in the capsule and Read more...
December 1, 2021

Time capsule marks St Andrew’s Day milestone for Scotland’s biggest offshore wind farm

Featured image for “Time capsule marks St Andrew’s Day milestone for Scotland’s biggest offshore wind farm”
CHART 1438 NOTICE is hereby given that maintenance dredging operations were completed on 15th October2021. Read more...
October 18, 2021


Featured image for “NOTICE TO MARINERS NO.16 2021”
CHART 1438 Notice is hereby given that on Thursday 14th October 2021 dredging operations will commence in the navigable channel between Scurdieness Lighthouse and the Inner Harbour. These will continue for approximately 2 days. Mariners are requested to navigate with caution and give the dredger UKD Marlin as wide a berth as possible at all times. The dredger will make Read more...
October 11, 2021


Featured image for “NOTICE TO MARINERS NO. 15, 2021”