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Montrose Harbour East of Scotland CHART 1438  ANNAT BANK BUOY – RE-LIT  Name: Annat Buoy  Position: 56° 42.231’N – 002° 25.953’W  Character: Flashing Green (3s)  Date 13/12/2022  NOTICE is hereby given that the above Buoy is now re-lit and flashing to character. Notice to Mariners No.17 is now cancelled.  Ross Marshall,Harbour Master  13th December 2022  MONTROSE PORT AUTHORITY, HARBOUR OFFICE, Read more...
December 13, 2022


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Montrose Port Authority is leading the way for greener shipping in the UK as it partners with Plug Shore Power Ltd in a 50/50 joint venture to become the first Scottish port to offer shore power to offshore energy vessels. This partnership will see an initial investment of £1 million into the joint venture which will be named Plug Montrose Read more...
December 9, 2022

Montrose to become first Scottish port to provide shore power infrastructure to the energy sector in £1 million joint venture with Plug

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Aberdeen-based Balmoral Comtec has completed the installation of its manufacturing plant at its new advanced composites facility at Montrose Port. The company invested a seven-figure sum in the 18,299 sq. ft (1700 sqm) quayside facility where large scale components for the offshore energy sector will be built. Composite products including subsea protection, wave energy structures, manifold covers and wellhead protection Read more...
November 30, 2022

Balmoral’s Montrose facility on track for giant composite structures

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Montrose Port Authority has welcomed three new members to its board of non-executive directors: Eilidh Smith, Susan Smart and Graham Penman.  Born and bred on the Isle of Lewis, Eilidh Smith is an Unlimited Master Mariner with over 15 years seagoing experience both deep sea and closer to home. Since coming ashore, she has become involved in the ports industry Read more...
November 25, 2022

MPA Welcomes New Board Members to Drive Commercial and Net Zero Ambitions

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Montrose Harbour East of Scotland CHART 1438 Montrose Harbour Entrance AtoN – UNLIT Name: Montrose Harbour Entrance, East of Berth 6Position: 56°42.190’N – 002°27.750’WCharacter: Fixed GreenDate: 23/11/2022 NOTICE is hereby given that the above AtoN is presently unlit, mariners are requestedto navigate with caution. This replaces Notice to Mariners No. 18. which is nowcancelled.Vessels entering/leaving the port are to contact Read more...
November 23, 2022


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