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17 October 2023: SSE Renewables, part of SSE plc, and its partner TotalEnergies have announced all 114 Vestas V164-10.0 MW turbines at the 1.1GW Seagreen Offshore Wind Farm off the coast of Scotland are now fully operational and are generating clean, renewable energy to Britain’s power grid. Situated 27km off the Angus coast in the North Sea’s Firth of Forth, Seagreen Read more...
October 17, 2023

Scotland’s largest offshore wind farm now fully operational

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The 19th Century listed buildings which previously reflected the importance of Montrose in the world of international trade and shipping have been bought by Montrose Port Authority (MPA) for a six figure sum. Situated on the Port’s north quayside, the imposing B-listed Customs House and Granary Store was previously owned by the Stonehaven-based engineering firm, Whittaker Group which planned to Read more...
September 29, 2023

MPA embarks on bold restoration initiative for iconic Customs House and Granary Store

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Montrose Port Authority has announced an exceptional increase in growth this past year, exceeding previous financial milestones. The port’s performance in the 2022/23 financial year has seen a significant turnover increase with a 10% rise in vessel numbers and 31% upturn in gross tonnage. A 34% boost in revenue compared to the previous year signifies the highest revenue outcome ever Read more...
August 29, 2023

MPA celebrates remarkable growth as economic impact to region revealed

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Montrose Port Authority (MPA) welcomed Neil Gray, Cabinet Secretary for Wellbeing Economy, Fair Work and Energy, on a visit to its site this week to receive an update on how the Port is continuing to build on its reputation as the major support, logistics and service hub for the North Sea energy sector. Described as a “case study of a business in Read more...
August 9, 2023

MPA sets out growing ambition as critical to Scotland’s offshore wind sector to energy secretary

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On a visit to Montrose Port Authority this week, two senior MPs highlighted the critical role it will play in growing Scotland’s economy and unlocking huge opportunities in offshore wind. Stephen Flynn, leader of the SNP at Westminster, and Angus MP Dave Doogan met with Port Chief Executive Captain Tom Hutchison and representatives of the Seagreen offshore wind development — Read more...
August 4, 2023

Montrose Port critical to Scotland’s offshore wind farms

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