Marine Safety Plan (2024–2027)


As part of its compliance with the requirements of the Port Marine Safety Code (PMSC), Montrose Port Authority (MPA) publishes a Marine Safety Plan for marine operations in Montrose Port every three years.

This Marine Safety Plan commits Montrose Port Authority to undertake the management and regulation of marine operations, within the scope of its powers and authority, in a way that safeguards the port, users of the port and the environment, whilst supporting the continuous improvement of Montrose Port Authority’s marine health, safety & environmental performance.

1. Integrated Management System

 The port’s Integrated Management System (IMS) and HSE policy have been developed and implemented in support of the management and regulations of marine operations within Montrose Port. The IMS meets the requirements of PMSC as well as ISO 14001 & ISO 45001. 

The Integrated Management System and Marine Safety Plan are approved by Montrose Port Authority Board, as the Duty Holder under the Port Marine Safety Code. 

2. Marine Procedures and Guidelines

Procedures and guidance documentation for marine navigation and operations are contained within the Port Operation Procedure and were developed following consultation by Montrose Ports Marine Management Team. All are reviewed on a regular basis by the respective management team.

3. Management of Marine Operations

Montrose Port Authority will undertake its role and responsibilities to ensure that, whenever possible, it provides efficient and effective services and the regulation of shipping and other vessels in support of all activities in the port; in particular commercial vessel movements, to facilitate the safe and prompt transit of vessels through the port.

In ensuring the continued provision of service, especially during times of disruption, Montrose Port Authority will always keep the safety of its personnel, port users and vessels as the top priority.

4. Marine Safety Activities

To ensure effective functions are in place to maintain the Integrated Management System, Montrose Port’s marine department undertakes a number of activities so that continual compliance with the Port Marine Safety Code, our statutory obligations are met, and all risks are As Low As Reasonably Practicable.

  • Marine Management Team regularly meet to analyse, risk assess and discuss all safety factors across the marine environment.
  • Regular marine meetings with CEO/HM.
  • The reporting and investigating of marine incidents and implementation of lessons learnt.
  • Sharing of investigations and lessons learnt with all port users.
  • Detailed marine/navigational risk assessments.
  • Regular, wide-ranging liaison meetings with stakeholders.
  • Regular external safety/marine operation meeting/committees with industry bodies.
  • Regular Pilotage and Boat Crew meetings.
  • Annual internal PMSC audit.
  • 3 yearly external PMSC audit.
  • Annual presentation to the Duty Holders by the Designated Person.
  • The maintenance and exercising of Montrose Port Emergency Plans and procedures.
  • Comprehensive training and development plan for marine staff.

5. Continuous Improvement Plan

Montrose Port Authority has published a continuous improvement plan, in support of this Marine Safety Plan, which indicates the activities which will be undertaken to ensure that the Port continues to improve compliance with the Port Marine Safety Code (see Appendix).

6. Management KPI’s for the Period of the Marine Safety Plan

The KPI’s below have been defined in conjunction with the continuous improvement plan and are intended to ensure that Montrose Port Authority fulfils the Port Marine Safety Code requirement for the Duty Holder to maintain a “Marine Safety Plan”.

Standing KPI’s

 Service Provision/ActivityKPI
Target & Actions

Responsible Person(s)
1Marine IncidentsZero incidents.
Zero injuries.
Zero environmental incidents.
Zero MPA property damage.
Zero Fire & Security incidents.
Near-Miss >15
Any incidents to be reported via My Compliance with key personnel contacted.
HSE report presented to Duty Holders monthly.
Harbour Master /HSE Manager
2Port SafetyZero incidents.
Zero injuries.
Zero environmental incidents.
Zero MPA property damage.
Zero Fire & Security incidents.
Near-Miss >16
Any incidents to be reported via My Compliance with key personnel contacted.
HSE report presented to Duty Holders monthly.
HSE Manager
3Provision of a Pilotage serviceNumber of Pilotage acts per month >96 Monthly
Pilotage acts presented to Duty Holders monthly.
Harbour Master
4Conservancy DutiesAids to Navigation status/availability 100%Monthly
Checks are conducted by pilots whilst conducting a trip
HSE report presented to Duty Holders monthly.
Annual reports are sent to the Northern Lighthouse Board detailing 3-yearly availability.
Harbour Master
5Liaison and consultation with Port UsersA Port Users Group meeting is held which includes Port Marine Safety Code compliance/security.

PMSC Towage meeting.
Meetings are chaired by the Harbour Master, minutes of meetings are taken and held on the company network.
Harbour Master
Liaison and consultation with Port Users
HSE Board paper issued to port tenants and stakeholders.Monthly
Once the HSE Manager presents the monthly HSE paper to the Board, a copy is sent to all relevant personnel
HSE Manager
Liaison and consultation with Port Users
An annual Small Boat Owners meeting is held.Annually
Harbour Master chairs the meeting, minutes are taken and held on company network.
Harbour Master
6TrainingDuty Holders Port Familiarisation/Safety Walk > 90%

Duty Holder Awareness Training held by BPA. 
AnnuallyHSE Manager
7Designated PersonDesignated Person to complete 3 yearly external PMSC audit and report findings to the duty holders. 3 YearlyHarbour Master

Appendix – Continuous Improvement Plan

Montrose Port Authority aims to continuously improve compliance with the requirements of the Port Marine Safety Code and reduce all foreseeable marine operations risks to ALARP.

The continuous improvement plan indicated below, outlines the steps to be taken to ensure compliance as well as maintaining a best practice mindset in the Port.  

1Plan Audit ScheduleInternal audit of the PMSC requirements will be managed by MyCompliance data base. 

MCA health check trends and MAIB reports to be utilised for any opportunity for continuous improvement during internal audit review. 
2Action TrackerActions will be raised for all audit findings with in MYCompliance and assigned to the appropriate person to close out by the agreed due date.
3Follow Up ActionReview actions monthly on MyCompliance and track all open, completed & overdue and reported monthly to the Board.
4Safety Observation and Incident ReviewsSafety observations and incident data from MyCompliance software to be reviewed monthly. All incident data is reported monthly to the Board of Directors.
5Safety EquipmentContinuously evaluate improvement of harbour safety equipment and technological advances. 

Montrose Port Board Approved