There is currently a pandemic of a novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) which is affecting the UK among other countries. This situation has been declared a Public Health Emergency of International Concern by the World Health Organization Emergency Committee, under the International Health Regulations. A Maritime Declaration of Health (MDH) is required for all vessels on arrival from a foreign port. However, Read more...
May 15, 2020
Angus joined the Montrose Port team at the end of November, having previously worked for Maersk Supply Services since 2010. During this time he would be out at sea for 5- 6 weeks at a time on a vessel providing towing, anchoring and supply chain to offshore platforms. The ships he worked on would often visit Montrose Port, and it Read more...
May 13, 2020
A Day in the Life – Angus MacAulay, Montrose Port Authority Pilot
For close on one hundred and fifty years, Scurdie Ness Lighthouse has stood sentinel as a fixed aid to navigation at the mouth of the River South Esk, guiding mariners safely past the shoals and rocky shoreline of the north Angus and Mearns coast. A petition from 74 local inhabitants in November 1860 complained that both strangers and regular users Read more...
May 10, 2020
Southesk Sentinel
In order to keep Montrose Port fully operational we are undertaking a programme of maintenance dredging between 12th and 15th June. We understand this is a sensitive issue and want to assure you that the work will be carried out to the highest professional and environmental standards. We have provided a list of FAQs below about dredging and why it Read more...
May 1, 2020
FAQs: All About Dredging
Global Symphony has changed its official port of registration to Montrose enabling quicker access to many of the company’s key projects and customers based around the Scottish islands, the North Sea and further afield in the Baltic Sea. Cementing the relationship with the local community Master Michal Beta, the Captain of Global Symphony was presented with a signed Montrose football Read more...
April 28, 2020
Global Marine Group’s ‘Symphony’ calls Montrose Port home