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CHART 1438 Notice is hereby given that the dredging operation due to start on 05th December 2020 in the navigable channel between Scurdieness Lighthouse and the Inner Harbour has been postponed. Read more...
December 2, 2020


Featured image for “NOTICE TO MARINERS – NO. 5 – 2020”
CHART 1438 Notice is hereby given that on 05th December 2020 dredging operations will commence in the navigable channel between Scurdieness Lighthouse and the Inner Harbour. These will continue for approximately 3-4 days. Mariners are requested to navigate with caution and give the dredger UKD Orca as wide a berth as possible at all times. The dredger will make regular Read more...
November 25, 2020


Featured image for “NOTICE TO MARINERS – NO. 4 – 2020”
Following extensive consultation with the local community and other port users Montrose Port Authority and SSE Renewables have finalised plans for the operations and maintenance base for Seagreen offshore wind farm. The 1,075MW Seagreen project is located 27km off the coast of Angus. A £3bn joint venture between SSE Renewables and Total, Seagreen will be Scotland’s single largest source of Read more...
September 10, 2020

SSE finalises plans for Seagreen O&M base at Montrose Port

Featured image for “SSE finalises plans for Seagreen O&M base at Montrose Port”
There is currently a pandemic of a novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) which is affecting the UK among other countries. This situation has been declared a Public Health Emergency of International Concern by the World Health Organization Emergency Committee, under the International Health Regulations. A Maritime Declaration of Health (MDH) is required for all vessels on arrival from a foreign port. However, Read more...
May 15, 2020


Featured image for “NOTICE TO MARINERS NO. 2 – 2020”
In order to keep Montrose Port fully operational we are undertaking a programme of maintenance dredging between 12th and 15th June. We understand this is a sensitive issue and want to assure you that the work will be carried out to the highest professional and environmental standards.  We have provided a list of FAQs below about dredging and why it Read more...
May 1, 2020

FAQs: All About Dredging

Featured image for “FAQs: All About Dredging”