30 dogs and their owners turned out on Sunday July 21st to commemorate a very special four-legged wartime hero. St Bernard Bamse was owned by Captain Hafto of the Norwegian Navy and went to sea with him on board the minesweeper Thorodd during the Second World War. He achieved legendary status in Montrose and Dundee, where the Thorodd was stationed, Read more...
July 26, 2019
75th Anniversary Bamse Memorial Dog Walk

In late September, 1867 a large number of people gathered at the East Quay to witness the first composite vessel ever to be built in Montrose from the shipyard of Joseph Birnie & Co. However, all did not go to plan straightaway. The rope holding her on the slip had been cut and the appropriate signal given but the launch Read more...
July 26, 2019
Ocean Nomads

This month, MPA archivist, John Aitken examines trends in vessel size and cargo being handled through the Port. Gross tonnage throughput at Montrose port has recorded a steady increase in recent years. In 2013 the annual figure was given as 1.7mn. Two years later it had grown to 2.08mn. The latest total for the past 12 months to the end Read more...
July 24, 2019

Statement from Nik Scott-Gray, Montrose Port Authority CEO: I am delighted to advise that with immediate effect, Tom Hutchison will – in addition to his Harbour Master responsibilities -take the additional role of Operations Director. This will enable him to run the Port on an interim basis after my departure in June. I’m sure you will agree that a familiar Read more...
July 13, 2019
Operations Director – appointment

As a result of accepting the position of General Manager with Port of Dover Cargo, our Chief Executive, Nik Scott-Gray, will be stepping down from his current role in June of this year. During his four years with MPA, Nik has restructured the operation and overseen a period of substantial growth and investment in the Port’s infrastructure. As a result Read more...
May 22, 2019
Statement from the Board of Trustees of Montrose Port Authority