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As a trust port, Montrose Port Authority ensures that the reinvestment of our profits not only goes back into the infrastructure of the port but also into the development of our dedicated team. We have seen team members through business management graduate apprenticeships, auditor courses and harbour master diplomas to name a few. We also like to extend these development Read more...
August 21, 2023

Meet our Summer Work Experience Student

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Montrose Port Authority (MPA) welcomed Neil Gray, Cabinet Secretary for Wellbeing Economy, Fair Work and Energy, on a visit to its site this week to receive an update on how the Port is continuing to build on its reputation as the major support, logistics and service hub for the North Sea energy sector. Described as a “case study of a business in Read more...
August 9, 2023

MPA sets out growing ambition as critical to Scotland’s offshore wind sector to energy secretary

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On a visit to Montrose Port Authority this week, two senior MPs highlighted the critical role it will play in growing Scotland’s economy and unlocking huge opportunities in offshore wind. Stephen Flynn, leader of the SNP at Westminster, and Angus MP Dave Doogan met with Port Chief Executive Captain Tom Hutchison and representatives of the Seagreen offshore wind development — Read more...
August 4, 2023

Montrose Port critical to Scotland’s offshore wind farms

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Montrose Port Authority welcomed local MSP for Angus North and Mearns, Mairi Gougeon, on a visit to its site last week where she received an update on how the Port is continuing to build on its reputation as the major support, logistics and service hub for the North Sea energy sector and general cargo markets, as well as a leading Read more...
July 19, 2023

Montrose Port Authority talks “going for growth” with local MSP Mairi Gougeon

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After an impressive 18-year tenure at Montrose Port, Peter Donald, the port chaplain representing the Sailors’ Society, has retired this week. The Sailors’ Society is an organisation dedicated to providing assistance to seafarers and their families globally.  Peter’s unwavering dedication has made a remarkable impact on visiting vessel crews who are often at times very far from home and their Read more...
June 26, 2023

Port chaplain retires after 18 years of service

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